Heroku Node JS API

Heroku NodeJS Api

How to Deploy NodeJS API on Heroku Cloud Server.Install Heroku Cli

Once you are done with all the required changes in finish local setup of the project and ready for production.

You need to install Heroku-cli. It's available for MAC, Linux and Windows machine. Please follow this link and install CLI for deployment. The Heroku CLI | Heroku Dev CenterHow to download, install, and start using, the Heroku CLI. The Heroku CLI used to be part of the Heroku Toolbelt.devcenter.heroku.com

Check Heroku-CLI installation

$ heroku --version

If above command return the version number of heroku-cli then your heroku cli install and ready for deployment.

You need to Login with your heroku credential

$ heroku login // It will ask your heroku Email / pass 

Create Heroku app and Deploy

  1. Create New app


In our project you need to navigate inside the dist folder of api. Production dist will create once you run command

gulp build  // It will create Production build 
  1. Navigate inside the dist directory.

  2. Run git init in dist directory.

  3. Add Heroku repository to your project.

  4. You can commit the code and the push to Heroku. code commit command given on above screenshot.

gulp buildcontrol:heroku   // Use this command to Push on Heroku

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