Run in emulator

To run the Emulator of Ionic Starter follow these steps.

Run In Emulator

To setup SDK on MAC follow this link or if you are window user please follow this link. All the following command work with IONIC CLI V3 so if you still using older cli please update ionic with

npm install -g cordova ionic

You also need to install Gradle before make native build.

Run your app in IOS emulator

$ ionic cordova platform add ios

$ ionic cordova run ios

Lately there some issue with ios-sim and if you found this error :

Error: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined.

Please do the following:

//Go to this directory ​cd platforms/ios/cordova/node_modules/​//Run Below command ​sudo npm install ios-sim@latest

Run your app in Android emulator

$ ionic cordova platform add android

$ ionic cordova run android

If you receive any error with 404 then First run this command: ionic cordova plugin add call-number

You can use genymotion instead of android default emulator because it will Fast to Load.

Last updated

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