How to Run NodeJS

This sections provides the information about the Nodejs dependencies and how to run the app.

Open the Terminal and navigate to the project folder ( API directory ) and install NodeJS dependencies :

$ npm install

Once both dependencies are installed successfully you can run the app in browser window with :

$ gulp serve
  • Once the nodeJS dependencies and MongoDB connection set. It will open your web browser window and if didn't open localhost:8000 and you can see swagger api like the demo.

  • Common Error : You may receive node-gyp error once you are run this app. This issue mostly comes on windows machine. You may need visual studio on window machine to fix this issue.

  • You may go through Node-Gyp Github page and follow there installation guide for different platform.

  • To Build this project you need to use: gulp serve:dist. Once you run this command it will create a dist directory that can used to deploy on any server like heroku or AWS.

Last updated