Introduction to Multi Restaurant SAAS app.
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Introduction to Multi Restaurant SAAS app.
Last updated
Multi restaurant SAAS app comes with all the app UI/UX and backend integration to build IOS / ANDROID mobile apps. This package comes with two mobile apps User and delivery boy app. It also includes two different dashboards for super admin and restaurant. It is built with leading technology in the market like Ionic hybrid mobile framework and NodeJS + MongoDB for Backend API. It will perfectly suit if you are planning to launch a multi-restaurant chain business like Food panda, Uber eat, etc.
Ionic is a complete open-source SDK for hybrid mobile app development. Ionic built on top of Angular. Ionic provides tools and services for developing hybrid mobile apps using Web technologies like CSS, HTML5, and Sass. Apps can be built with these Web technologies and then distributed through native app stores to be installed on devices by leveraging Cordova.
Restaurant SAAS App is a bold and flexible and best suited for developing high-quality mobile apps that makes use of ready-made tools. The theme has several widget areas that allow you to extend your UI functionality with plugins. Restaurant SAAS App is built using Ionic and is performance optimized which helps you to develop world-class application experiences on native platforms. This gives your app a consistent look and feel with the rest of the platform ecosystem, and keeps the quality bar high
The variety and high-quality angular UI templates, cool animations, and the ease of customizing themes are exclusive benefits of this app and backend. We not only create the best User Interface, excellent User Experience but also give you control over page designs and flow of your web and mobile apps.
User App
Delivery boy app
Restaurant Dashboard ( OWNER , MANAGER )
Super Admin Dashboard ( Manage Every restaurant sales )
Application program interface ( API Server )
Application program interface(API) server
Web app Dashboard
User App / Delivery App
Website :
Demo Restaurant Owner Dashboard :
Demo Super Admin :
Note: Please use the below mentioned Pin code or zip-code for demo purpose only whenever user downloads the application and need to add the delivery address while placing your favourite order :