How to Run

To run the Node JS API & Dashboard, follow the below commands.

How to run Node JS API :

Open the Terminal and navigate to the project folder ( API directory ) and install NodeJS dependencies :

$ npm install

Once both dependencies are installed successfully you can run the app in browser window with :

$ nodemon
  • Once the nodeJS dependencies and MongoDB connection set. It will open your web browser window and if didn't open localhost:8000 and you can see swagger api like the demo.

  • Common Error : You may receive node-gyp error once you are run this app. This issue mostly comes on windows machine. You may need visual studio on window machine to fix this issue.

How to run Dashboard :

There are two dashboards in this application

1)super admin dashboard and one more is for 2)restaurant owner and manager dashboard you can run both the dashboard by running the below commands only

Run in Web browser

Open your terminal and navigate to the project folder and install NodeJS dependencies :

** $ npm install **

Once node dependencies are installed successfully you can run the app in browser window with :

** $ ng serve **

Production Build

** ng build --prod **  

Once you run it will create production build that you can deploy on any hosting that support html hosting but i suggest to use Fire base hosting as it easier to manage.

If there is any issue please google it or if you do not find any solution please feel free to report us , we will look into it.

Last updated

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