
Restaurant mobile update log.

Change log


 # UPDATE V 4.6.0 - ( 20th May 2019 ) 
 - update to Ionic V4
 - Docs updated 

  # UPDATE V 4.5.0 - ( 26th Oct 2018 ) 
 - Orders list page added
 - Minor UI fixed
 - Docs updated 
 # UPDATE V 4.4.0 - ( 24th May 2018 ) 
 - Add same item to cart multiple times with different options
 - Minor CSS fixed on few pages and components . 
 - Chat page issues fixed 
 - Default currency bug fixes.
 - Docs updated .

# UPDATE V 4.3.0 - ( 2nd April 2018 ) 
 - Upgrade app with angular 5 .0.1
 - Few UI modified to look app better.
 - Minor CSS fixed on few pages and components . 
 - Docs updated .

# UPDATE V 4.2.0 - ( 20th Dec 2017 ) 
 - Delivery restriction ( Only accept order on added pincode by restaurant in backend). 
 - Booking table in app . 
 - Check all the table status history . 
 - Loyalty points modules ( Can config % earn from our backend). 
 - Minor CSS fixed on few pages and components . 
 - Docs updated .

# UPDATE V 4.1.0 - ( 28th NOV 2017 ) 
 - RTL ( Arabic ) support. 
 - Upgrade app with angular 5 . 
 - Profile image upload on Firebase Storage . 
 - Upgraded IONIC 3 to latest V3.9.2 . 
 - Cart item bag issue fixed. 
 - Minor CSS fixed on few pages and components . 
 - Docs updated .

# UPDATE V 4.0.0 - ( 4th OCT  2017 )
 - Firebase Chat integration with Admin. 
 - Order status tracking. 
 - Profile image upload on Firebase Storage . 
 - In Firebase API add services for all module instead of earlier one JSON rendering. 
 - Upgraded IONIC 3 to latest V3.6.X . 
 - Payment integration paypal + Stripe .
 - Upgraded angular4 version. 
 - Cart item bag issue fixed. 
 - Minor CSS fixed on few pages and components . 
 - Docs updated .

# UPDATE V 3.1.0 - ( 21th June 2017 )
 - Product rating on list page.
 - Updated and Tested with IONIC CLI 3. 
 - Upgraded Firebase and angularFire to V4.x .
 - User can leave rating and comment on each product after there order.
 - Upgraded IONIC 3 to latest V3.4.3 .
 - Upgraded angular4 version.
 - Ionic native app share.
 - Cart item calculation bug fixed.
 - Minor CSS fixed on few pages.
 - Docs updated with CLI 3.

# UPDATE V 3.0.0 - ( 10th May 2017 )
 - About us page added.
 - Updated IONIC Native Plugins to V3.
 - Upgrade IONIC 2 to IONIC 3.
 - Locate us MAP page for Restaurant Location.
 - IONIC native plugins Call to Number.
 - Social native Login with FB , TWITTER , G+  for Firebase Version. 
 - Coupon code Integration on checkout page.
 - i18 MultiLingual support. 
 - Contact Form with Email Composer 
 - Search item on category List page.
 - Push Notification with OneSignal.
 - Docs updated. 

# UPDATE V 2.0.0 - ( 27th Fab 2017 )
 - offer and news page added
 - Minor css improvement
 - profile page UI updated.
 - Firebase version ready 
 - Docs updated  

# UPDATE V 1.1.0 - ( 7th Fab 2017 )
 - Upgrade to Ionic Framework 2.0 Final
 - Minor css improvement
 - Contact page added
 - Favourite Module integration 

# RELEASE 1.0.0 - ( 27th Jan 2017 )
 - Initial Release

Last updated